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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving away from home.

The holidays are meant to be spent with friends and family. That's what I love about Thanksgiving and Christmas. I miss my friends and family today. They do not celebrate Thanksgiving in Ecuador.

I have found a resturant, however, that serves a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. I am 2 hours away from my meal. The resturant is named Adam's Rib. It is in the Mariscal part of Quito. The

Mariscal is a 20 x 20 block are of resturants, bars, clubs, stores, and other interesting tourist traps. The picture I am including is taken at the main plaza of the Mariscal. Sarah, Laura and I all teach for Inlinqua. Laura was luckly and got on with another school called English First.

After I heard they pay $12.00/hr. vs. my $7.38/hr. I went right down there and applied. EF English First tells me the summer is the time they have the most jobs for teachers. I will try there again after the first of the year.

I printed my business cards this week. I am working about 12 hours a week. I want to get that up to at least 20 hours a week before I leave for vacation on Dec. 15th.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Love ya,


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