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Thursday, January 13, 2011

To the beach, to the beach, to the beach, beach, beach!

     I am finished teaching for the week. It is sure nice to be done at 10:45 on Thursday mornings. That is another plus for teaching English as a second language. My schedule is what I make it. Right now, I teach class M,T, and Th mornings and M,T, and W, afternoons from 4-6 pm. Gotta love it.

     I was telling my landlady, Ana, that I wanted to go to the beach for the weekend. She called a friend of hers who has a hostal 30 minutes from Esmeraldes, Ecuador and got a reservation for me. I leave tonight at 11:45 pm and arrive at the beach at 6:00 am. That is a 6.25 hour bus ride. My plan is to sleep. My ride will pick me up from the bus station at 8:00 am and take me to the hostel which is on the beach 30 minutes away in a place called Rio Verde. Ana tells me it is good to wear swimming shoes. I will buy some before I go, or I will get Alfonso, my host, to add beach shoes to his list of errands to run while he is in Esmeraldes. I have the Lonely Planet guide to Ecuador. It is wonderful to be able to read about these places before I go there. Esmeraldes is a big city with a crowded beach. It is working to overcome its reputation for petty thievery. It is great to be 30 minutes away from the city on a nice beach that is not crowded. I also like the fact that I will not have to look for a place to stay. Cost $15/night for basic room and $20/night for an apartment. I am going for the apartment. I have a $100 budget for the weekend. I´ll keep you posted on how it goes.

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