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Friday, November 5, 2010

Quito, Ecuador on a Friday night. I start teaching Monday.

How comfortable are you right now where you are?

My last 9 days have been so jam-packed with newness that I feel out of my comfort zone anytime I leave my wonderful flat. For example today, I rode the bus for the first time. After 3 taxi rides that finally got me to the immigration office, I decided to pull out my map and go for it. I had been warned. They are very crowded. Watch out for thieves. Hold on, the bus makes jolting stops.

With caution, I paid my 25 cents and hopped aboard. I will definitely travel by bus to my job once I figure out where the Nestle plant is located. Yes, it is true, I actually begin work on Monday. There were 6 prospective teachers at the Inlingua "induction" today. I felt fortunate to come out of the meeting with 9 hours of work next week. The other 3 women and 1 man have no previous teaching experience.

Thanks for following my blog. My computer says low battery....gotta go.

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