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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Have you thought of teaching English to people who speak another language?

I considered this possibility for about 10 years before I finally took the actions that made it happen. I am here to tell you, I am really enjoying teaching. I am learning so much. The family that I teach is sooooooooooo delightful. Keki, the 8 year old boy, greets me at the door with a smile and ¨Hello, teacher!¨ It is so fun to see their progression. I will teach them ¨I feel ....¨ (mad, sad, glad, scared) tonight. It is their 5th class. The song I will teach them at 1/2 time is, ¨If you´re happy and you know it clap your hands.¨They are a fun loving group. Last night I traded 2 and 1/2 English lessons for Keki´s cell phone.

Now, I am at the Mall getting a ¨cim¨card for it and putting $6.00 on my account. If I use my cell phone from Oregon it costs about $3.00/min.

More later....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daryl,
    I like your blog. I will bookmark it and keep up with you as you let us know your meanderings. Your adventure sounds like fun - makes me think about the possibilities!!
