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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Keyboards for different languages

I live with a French woman. Her name is Severine. I "couch surfed" at her house my first night in Quito. (See After only 1 night, I knew I wanted to live in her flat. She decided to have me pay half the rent and the deal was done. All is good at the flat except, I continue to struggle to find wireless internet. For some reason her wireless does not work for my computer. Sometimes I use Severine's computer, although more often, I just go downtown to the Mall and use the internet cafe.

I did not realize keyboards were not "standard" for English, French and Spanish. i.e. On a French keyboard the "q" is where the "a" is. On a Spanish keyboard the @ symbol can be used if you enter Alt and 64. Who knew?

My Oxford Seminar teacher said 1 year teaching abroad is like 10 years teaching in the US. I am beginning to understand that statement more and more each day. I am forced out of my comfort zone and the learning is invigorating.

I made name tents for my 4 students today. I am getting ready for my initial class on Monday. Now that I figured out how to add new posts to my blog, I hope to keep you abreast of my adventures in teaching abroad. Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. My friend, Martin Truther, has an interesting blog. Check it out:
    See More
    Martin Truther: The Red Pill Guide to the Top 20 Secrets of our Times
