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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Quito from the resturant in the Penthouse of the Best Western

A busy street right beside the downtown Mall, QuiCentro.

Map of Ecuador

Typographical map of Ecuador showing the Ave. of Volcanoes going from North to South.
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Ave. of the Volcanoes

The avenue of the volcanoes runs the length of Ecuador.
I got to visit the Cotopaxi area 2 weekends ago.
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There are many young people teaching in Quito.

This is Lenke, my coworker from Seattle. She and her boyfriend, Ross, have been teaching for 8 months. They
plan to spend a full year in Quito. This is the norm for Inlingua. I am the only person I know who got to stay
for a short 3 months.
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The hamburgers at Texas Chicken are
so messy they even give you
plastic gloves to keep
one's hands clean.
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Susanah, the receptionist at Nestle, and I share lunch.

I have my first shrimp ceviche and she has the fried shrimp.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The flowers in Ecuador are amazing!

Just bought a dozen beautiful roses for $3.50. They look gorgeous in my apartment.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Joys of travel = Meeting other adventurous folks.

     James, from England, and Isabel, from Polland met 8 months ago in India. They have been traveling together since they met. I loved seeing their photos of Bolivia and hearing about the book they had published of 100 favorite photos in India.

     We had a delightful conversation over a fabulous dinner prepared by our hosts at the farm, Marco and Margarita in Tigua, Ecuador.

A night on the farm, an unexpected treat!

     My trip began on Thursday. I got out of my apartment by 10:15 am. I went to Latacungo, Ecuador. That is where I am now, after spending two lovely days in Sasquisili and Tigua. I went to the art gallery in Tigua, thinking I could stay at the hostel beside it. That hostel has been closed for remodeling for 2 years, I discovered. I met the famous painter, Alfredo Toaquiza, and his wife and son. For $5 they took me back down the rode a couple of miles to a place I had read about in the Lonely Planet Guide to Ecuador. It turned out to be a great place to stay with a hospitable couple who have been married for 30 years. The farmhouse is 128 years old and it has been in his family for generations.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I finish my week on Thursday at 9:00 am.

     What a nice schedule I have now. I teach my family from 4-6pm on Monday,Tuesday, and Wednesday. I teach my class at Nestle from 7:30-9:00am on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.

     I am going to Mindo for the weekend. There is a cloud forest there with a butterfly farm. The bird watching is supurb and it is only 2 and 1/2 hours out of Quito. I hope I have the internet there. I have many pictures I want to post from my previous trips.

     My new living arrangement is far superior to my last place. It is right on the street where I catch the Ecovia (the electric bus with a dedicated lane for 25 cents.)

I give my first test tomorrow.

The test is given after teaching 5 units.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

To the beach, to the beach, to the beach, beach, beach!

     I am finished teaching for the week. It is sure nice to be done at 10:45 on Thursday mornings. That is another plus for teaching English as a second language. My schedule is what I make it. Right now, I teach class M,T, and Th mornings and M,T, and W, afternoons from 4-6 pm. Gotta love it.

     I was telling my landlady, Ana, that I wanted to go to the beach for the weekend. She called a friend of hers who has a hostal 30 minutes from Esmeraldes, Ecuador and got a reservation for me. I leave tonight at 11:45 pm and arrive at the beach at 6:00 am. That is a 6.25 hour bus ride. My plan is to sleep. My ride will pick me up from the bus station at 8:00 am and take me to the hostel which is on the beach 30 minutes away in a place called Rio Verde. Ana tells me it is good to wear swimming shoes. I will buy some before I go, or I will get Alfonso, my host, to add beach shoes to his list of errands to run while he is in Esmeraldes. I have the Lonely Planet guide to Ecuador. It is wonderful to be able to read about these places before I go there. Esmeraldes is a big city with a crowded beach. It is working to overcome its reputation for petty thievery. It is great to be 30 minutes away from the city on a nice beach that is not crowded. I also like the fact that I will not have to look for a place to stay. Cost $15/night for basic room and $20/night for an apartment. I am going for the apartment. I have a $100 budget for the weekend. I´ll keep you posted on how it goes.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pictures from the warm thermal baths. Also got to see Leming Morena, VP of Ecuador

The VP of Ecuador made a surprise visit to Papallacta to distribute soccer balls to the 50 or so children in the village. Here are some pictures. I see I have to add the pictures from my own computer. Oops. I will add them next time.

Well, Again

It was a tough week for me. I had to cancel 2 classes because I was sick.

I did get away last weekend to Papallacta, Ecuador and it helped me to get back on my feet.

I also moved in with an English teacher, her friend, and her Mother. Lola is 80 and it gives me a great opportunity to learn a few words in Spanish from her.

I am headed to the beach at Esmereldas, Ecuador this weekend. It is an 8 hour busride.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2 of my Great nieces in Virginia

During the holidays, I got to spend a whole day with my great niece, Abigail.

I am back in Quito and my psydenym of "Rosa"

After 19 days in the states, I got quite accustomed to English again. I see I am in for another period of adjustment to Spanish. I have wondered around town just taking it all in again with "new eyes." I know more this time and I plan to go away every one of my 8 remaining weekends. I want to get to the coast this weekend. I got to Quito just after midnight last night. The bed, at the hostel where I stayed, was hard as a rock. I switched to a hostel in the "La Mariscal" District of town. This is where most of the tourists go when they first arrive in Quito. I am planning to stay here until I move into my 2 bedroom apartment, sometime this week. I have 24 hour internet access at this hostel.

Happy New Year!