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Friday, December 10, 2010

Otavalo, Ecuador 2 hours outside of Quito

I am on vacation. I left Quito today after my morning class at Nestle and took a $2 bus ride (in Ecuador you can ride a bus for about $1/hr. and you can go all over the country.) It took 2 hours to get here. I am staying at a quaint hostel and the owners speak English. I found it via Lonely Planet guide to Ecuador.

It only cost me 25 cents to get a bus ride to the bus terminal in Quito. The longer I am here, the more I am willing to venture out of my routine and try the public transportation system. I hopped on a bus that was headed North. I saw a sign in the window that said, "Terminal." Since I was looking for the Quito Main bus terminal, I took a chance. It turned out perfectly.

Otavalo has been a marketplace for Ecuadorian handicrafts for hundreds of years. Many of the women wear the traditional Ecuadorian clothing. I will post a picture later this weekend, after I take pictures of the marketplace.

My hostel room was $10 a night. I have a shared bathroom. They have Wifi here and I forgot to bring my adapter from Quito, so I am working off my battery on my computer. With any luck, I will buy an adapter and have internet all weekend. It is great to be out of the city of 2 million people and here in the little town (45,000) of Otavalo.

I still have a sore throat and the remnants of my cold. I went to the pharmacy and got more medicine. Unfortunately, I got the dosing instructions switched on the 2 sets of meds. I am back to using my meds from 2 weeks ago for my respiratory symptoms. I plan to get lots of rest this weekend. (and do some shopping as well.)

1 comment:

  1. I got the owner of the hostel, who speaks English as well as Spanish, to tell me the correct dosing for my meds. It turns out I am supposed to be taking 3 meds a day not the 1 dose I have been taking.

    I am on the right dosing schedule now. 3 pills today and then I am out of medication.
