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Saturday, December 25, 2010

My name when I am in Ecuador is Rosa!

     I have not found an equivalent to Daryl in Spanish. Therefore, my name when I am in Ecuador is Rosa.
I hope you all had a joy filled Christmas and are thinking about all your accomplishments in 2010. I like to reflect on the year in this last week and see where I am, where I've been, and think about where I am going.

     A year ago, if you had told me I would go to teach English in Ecuador this year, I would have been skeptical. After I took a prosperity class at my church last winter, I got more clear about my goals for 2010. I got $1100 back from my tax return and while doing dishes at my church, a friend said to me, "There is a 3 weekend class at the U of O we can take that will give us an ESL certificate." I said, "How much is it?" She said, "It's $1100." We agreed to do it and in May we took the Oxford Seminar. I had researched ESL certificates in the past and it sounded like a good way to go, so off we went.

     The class was loads of fun and my 10 classmates were all very interesting folks. We all got a chance to practice teaching and learned much from our fabulous teacher, Doug Grimsly.

     Oxford Seminar helped my get my assignment in Quito with Inlingua. They have language schools in 40 other countries. I am very impressed with the Inlinqua method of teaching adults, English.

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