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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I now have a blog.

While reading my friend, Sandi Lesh's blog, I realized I could make my first one, now.

Here it is.


  1. 3/20/10 The first day of Spring.
    Gus Gates, my son, Juna Hickner, his girlfriend and I collected plastic from Baker Beach.

  2. Teach Abroad

    As I was going about the business of substitute teaching, I was yearning for more. More adventure, more challenge, more warm water and sunny skies.

    You see, I live in Eugene, Oregon. You have heard of Oregon? Yes, that's right. We rust here if we do not get out of the state come November. As I contemplated another wet, miserable, grey, gloomy winter in Oregon, I decided to do what I have wanted to do for the last 31 years. Get outta OR in the winter.

    I live tomorrow for my teaching adventure in Quito, Ecuador. I am there for 3 months. I hope you will follow me as I travel this fantastic journey.

    Gotta go. My new renter is about to meet me for the first time in 22 min. and I am still in my pj's.


  3. Oops.
    Since I am a teacher, and I am supposed to proofread before I publish, I just realized,

    I made another boo-boo today! I allow myself at least 20 a day. I hope you will allow me that many as well.

    Oh well,
    I leave for Quito, tomorrow.
